 When I hear the word "Violence", I think of yelling, screaming, physical and mental (emotional) abuse, obsession etc. Violence  is something that we can see and heard about it everyday.  We can be part of it without even noticing. Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against a person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, or deprivation. On of the things that concerns me is the violence in a relationship. Why? Because I was in a dysfunctional relationship where  the guy who I was with wanted to control everything. He always wanted to know what  I was doing, he was constantly calling me and he was very possessive.  I never thought I will pass  through that situation.It seems that violence in a relationship is becoming very common now days.  Searching about violence in a relationship I found out some interesting information. Every day we can see in the news about women been mistreated and even kill by their husband or their partner.  In a study made in 2008 showed that relationship violence is prevalent on college. 

 We live in a time where all we can thin is about the future and we forget about the things happening right now in the present. Part of our society are stuck i the past thinking that men are the ones who always has to be in charge of the family and the economics aspects, to maintain the leader and provider of the family. This concerns me a lot, we are now in the 21 century. Both men and women have equal duties when it comes to the family among other things. Now days the violence in a relationship is happening not only with couples that are married but also in the relationship of teenagers. Is sad to see how violence in a relationship is becoming more common in our society and how is affecting more young people every day.

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